
The Handmaid's Tale Part 1

We start our funniest book yet! Ok just kidding, it's not very funny. In fact it's quite grim. But there's a lot of nice bright red! Tulips, dresses, the blood from the mouth of a hanged man.... like we said, grim. But join us, won't you? Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale becons, like stones in the desert.

Cloud Atlas Part 7: An Orison Of Sonmi-451

This week Jon, Katie and Sky begin to work back through the previous narratives of Cloud Atlas, beginning with the conclusion of Sonmi-451’s story. Who really is Hae-Joo Im, and what really happens to twelve-starred fabricants? Join us and find out.

Cloud Atlas Part 5: An Orison of Sonmi-451

Jon, Katie, and Sky explore a dark future in the fifth section of Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell. Do genetically engineered clones hear Ayers' dream music? What does soap taste like? Join us as we read of a people who worship Ronald McDonald.